Climbers and mountaineers have a primary responsibility to do their best to extricate themselves out of their own predicament. In the event of an accident, depend first on yourself and your own party members. Learn about wilderness first-aid and attempt to self-rescue to the extent possible. Factors such as weather, darkness, or objective hazards may delay or even prevent an organized rescue response. Most importantly, is an attitude of personal responsibility for your party's well-being and that you will survive no matter what.
Jenny Lake Climbing Rangers
In Grand Teton National Park, mountain rescue operations in the Teton Range are the primary responsibility of the Jenny Lake Climbing Rangers. The staff consists of 6 permanent and 12 seasonal rangers who are dedicated to providing professional, efficient rescue response to those in need.
In the Event of a Life-Threatening Injury
Efforts should be made to obtain assistance as soon as possible. Cell phone notification is by far the most common method of notification. Calling Teton Interagency Dispatch (307-739-3301) directly will avoid potential confusion by eliminating the chance of your emergency call going to another county's dispatch center. Program this number into your cell phone before your climb. If that number doesn't work dial 911.
If cell phone service is not available, try sending a text to 911 or a friend or family member and have them call for help. Text messages require less signal strength and often transmit when cell phone calls cannot connect. Download the new BackcountrySOS App! BackcountrySOS is a simple-to-use smartphone app that allows you to quickly get your status and location information to emergency personnel.
If possible, send an extra member of your party or try to notify an adjacent party on the mountain, who can get to an area with cell phone reception or hike out to get word to the Jenny Lake Ranger Station (or any Visitor Center). Do not leave the injured climber alone unless absolutely necessary.
Information needed by the rescue team includes:
1) the exact location of the injured party
2) the time of the accident
3) the nature and extent of injuries & medical care being provided
4) equipment at the scene (ropes, hardware, first-aid kit, etc.)
5) the number of people with the injured party
6) the plan of action (if any).